A performing and visual arts festival for the ancient Greek god of Dionysus; trying to unite different art forms to one big celebration.
Website: https://www.theaterquarantaene.eu/sprungturmfestival/
The Ashtar Youth Theatre International Festival takes place every two years at Ashtar Theatre in Palestine. A dynamic Palestinian Theatre with a progressive global perspective. Aims to promote creativity and commitment for change through a novel combination of specific training and acting programs and services and professional theatre performances. ASHTAR is a non-profit theatre organization that was established in 1991 as the first theatre training organization for youth in Palestine. One of ASHTAR’s pioneering specialties is a highly successful genre known as Forum Theatre. The purpose of Forum Theatre is to promote a more active dialogue and commitment for change within the society. ASHTAR’s core troupe of professional actors performs several high quality plays during the year introducing new theatre forms in Palestine. Increased cooperation with internationally known actors and directors ensure continuous professional development of the team, students and the wider theatre community as well as improve the entertainment culture in Palestine.
This six day festival showcases Black Theatre companies from the United States and abroad.
International Theatre Festival KONTAKT has been organized by Wilam Horzyca Theater since 1991. KONTAKT enabled to review and promote the most interesting theatrical events from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and their confrontation with theatres from Western Europe KONTAKT became a mediator of multinational, sometimes uneasy agreements in the new reality.
As part of the KONTAKT, accompanying events are held – art exhibitions, film projections and concerts. The performances are accompanied by meetings with artists, which are a very important element of the festival. The festival KONTAKT is a competition, the participating performances are assessed by an international jury which awards three top festival prizes. There is also the possibility of funding awards by individuals, institutions and companies.
International Theatre Festival hosted by Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava
Website: www.eurokontext.sk
The ReOrient Festival of Short Plays was inaugurated in 1999 to present alternative perspectives of the Middle East and to showcase the multiplicity of stories, voices and styles from the region, and has since becomes Golden Thread’s most recognized and celebrated program. This ambitious festival, now presented biennially, turns San Francisco into a mecca for innovative, spirited, and thought-provoking theatre from and about the Middle East.
The Interferences International Theatre Festival organized by the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj is held biannualy, and aims at bringing together performances that come from different cultural backgrounds, but they are coherent from the point of view of their aesthetic endeavours. The Festival sets a high value on free, open discussions with the creators of those performances that bring the most exciting endeavours of contemporary theatre to the Cluj audience.
FITA Chile, held in Santiago city, it is a pioneering event organized by ASSITEJ/Te Veo Chile, that will bring together more than 20 Ibero-American companies of dance, circus and theatre, focused for children and youth, and the participation of programmers and artists from around the world.
The International Theatre Schools Festival ITSelF is a theatre biennial, organized by The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, Poland. The main objective of ITSelF Festival is to promote theatre culture and young talents of the stage, share experiences, bring cultures closer by gathering artists together, as well as to present Poland as a country which supports culture and appreciates its influence on the development of the society.
Welcome to the biennial New Vision Arts Festival! Our line-up showcases the Festival’s role as a creative platform, where artistic genres and cultural insights converge and energize innovation, bringing a new viewing experience to the audience.
A biannual Festival of theatre, dance, music and performance. During three days, the audience has a choice of five different routes, each one starting at the municipal theatre and then branching out into a range of unusual and exciting spaces in the city of Osnabrück. Each instalment of the Festival has a Motto. This year, the young theatre-makers that form the backbone of the Festival will explore the future of mankind: artificial intelligence, cloning, the future of work etc.
The biennial “Architecture is Art Festival” was initiated and curated by Zuni Icosahedron’s Co-Artistic Director Mathias Woo in 2009. It is the first-ever art festival that links architecture with humanistic spirit as the main theme of the festival, promoting a series of activities on art and design, architecture and urban development.
Theaterfestival Basel presents an international, biennial festival program featuring a range of genres and forms: from city projects to renowned dance and theatre productions, performances, nouveau cirque and installations.
August , Im Niederfeld 6
July , Ramallah, Palestine
July , Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
June , Toruń, Poland
June , Bratislava, Europe
November , San Francisco, California, United States, North America
November , Cluj-Napoca, Romania
November , Santiago, Chile
October , Warsaw, Poland
October , Hong Kong, China, Asia
September , Osnabrück, Germany
August , Hong Kong, China, Asia
August , Basel, Switzerland, Europe