THE KO FESTIVAL OF PERFORMANCE, is a festival of ideas — where the only certainty is surprise. Our performances value diversity, authenticity, and are curated to incite curiosity and to provoke compelling conversations with global, national local, and personal resonances.
Each summer we present 5 weeks of original, devised work. The season is curated on a theme and lively discussions follow the performances and provide opportunities for civic dialogue. We also offer a Story Slam, and often the METTAWEE RIVER THEATER COMPANY’s all-ages outdoor event with masks, puppets & live music plus:
*A unique array of 6-day workshops
*Facilitated discussions and lobby displays that contextualize the ideas presented in each piece in an effort to engender inter-audience/artist exchange.
*Rehearsal residencies where individual artists or ensembles can develop new work
*Internships for college students and young theater professionals, and adult theater-makers wanting to recharge and retrain.
*We often include an interactive installation so that all may contribute to the thematic thinking.