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Chekhov International Festival in Moscow

Chekhov International Festival in Moscow

The Chekhov International Theatre Festival was established by the International Confederation of Theatre Associations. The First Festival was held in 1992. In the 25 years of its history the Festival has been undergoing considerable changes while still trying to become a joyful and longed for event for all those who love theatre.
‘Art theatre for everyone’, a motto by Giorgio Strehler, the famous Italian director, remains abiding and actual for the Chekhov Festival. Our main idea is continually widening the audience, making theatre be longed for by the people of different background, and before all – the thinking part of our society who has always been attracted by the theatre throughout the history. We try to organize the program of the festivals to be accessible for everyone and somewhat elitist too. And it is also important that theatre professionals could find within the Festival what is necessary for them, for they could feel like part of the world theatre process.



Festival Reviews and Reports:


International Chekhov Theater Festival Opens In Moscow