Medialacuna is a festival of media arts, literature, dance, music, theater, cinema, research and discussions on topics relevant to society.
Baltic House is home to one of Europe’s major theatre festivals. Founded in 1991 and held annually, Baltic House International Theatre Festival became the first such event in Russian history. Following its initial success, the theatre was renamed after the festival that same year. In 2008, Baltic House International Theatre Festival received an honourable UNESCO prize.
Every year, Baltic House International Theatre Festival’s playbill includes productions – many of them premieres – by the leading European theatre directors. Some of them are well-known in Russia. While others are first introduced to the local public by our festival.
Over the years, recognised masters of European theatre presented their works at the Baltic House Festival, among them Eimuntas Nekrošius, Rimas Tuminas, Oskaras Koršunovas, Luk Perceval, Silviu Purcarete, Ivo van Hove, Kama Ginkas, Lev Dodin, Yuri Lyubimov, Krystian Lupa, Christoph Marthaler, Elmo Nüganen, Thomas Ostermeier, Robert Sturua, Kristian Smeds, Valery Fokin, Alvis Hermanis and many others.
Pori Theatre Festival Lain§uojattomat (Outlaw§) for independent theatre companies is held every year in the city of Pori.
The festival is primarily a showcase for the Finnish independent theatre scene. Lain§uojattomat gathers together high-quality performances with interesting topics and bold, uncompromising expression. There are performances for different age groups including adults, children and youth.
Thespo (Started in 1999) is a platform for any and every young person under 25 who is interested in any and all aspects of theatre. Except for the age limit, Thespo firmly believes in including youth from all parts of the world, all fields, all language groups and all art forms who share a love for theatre. Over the years Thespo has showcased the best of youth theatre from across the country in the form of full length plays, platform performances, play readings, devised performances and much more. Theatre stalwarts and practitioners from around the globe have collaborated with young emerging artists in India to create unique and memorable performances. Regular workshops covering various aspects of theatre have ensured access to professional training in the field.
The Best Indian Theatre in 2019: A Poll
Bangalore has Easily Become India’s No. 2 Theatre Hub
The Perks of Bringing in New People in the Theatre Repertory
The idea of this annual festival is to create a space of multicultural dialogue through the presentation of varieties of contemporary theatre and dramaturgy of European countries. The festival is intended to be a platform for meetings of professionals and theatre lovers, and is guided by the mission of broadly defined integration of European culture and the theatre community. But most importantly, it gives viewers of the city and region the opportunity to learn about important performances.
This festival has no main theme. Instead of inventing it and looking for spectacles compatible with it, the organizers chose performances that they like and which seem important to them.
The Festival takes place in the Vittoriale degli Italiani amphitheater, in a context rich in history, and in its wonderful park, elected in 2012 “ Most beautiful park in Italy ”. A place suspended between art, culture, nature and beauty.
The Canoe Stories Festival and the Return of the Canoes Opening Event are activities and events highlighting expressions of culture and relationships to the Lands and Waters through the Indigenous art, architecture, and engineering of the vessels that move, carry, and connected us through our landscapes, earthly and spiritual.
The Isnard Azevedo Festival, sponsored by Florianopolis City Hall, through the Municipal Secretariat of Culture, Sport and Youth and the Florianópolis Cultural Foundation of Franklin Cascaes, is a show of theatrical diversity with the participation of 53 theater groups from six Brazilian states and two international theater that includes theatrical performances of children’s theater shows, children’s theater, adult theater, street theater and circus-theater of the most varied genres and formats.
International Theatre Festival KONTAKT has been organized by Wilam Horzyca Theater since 1991. KONTAKT enabled to review and promote the most interesting theatrical events from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and their confrontation with theatres from Western Europe KONTAKT became a mediator of multinational, sometimes uneasy agreements in the new reality.
As part of the KONTAKT, accompanying events are held – art exhibitions, film projections and concerts. The performances are accompanied by meetings with artists, which are a very important element of the festival. The festival KONTAKT is a competition, the participating performances are assessed by an international jury which awards three top festival prizes. There is also the possibility of funding awards by individuals, institutions and companies.
The Cena Brasil International festival emerges in the Brazilian cultural and artistic scene as a great instrument of promotion and dissemination of the performing arts. In addition to being a theater show, Cena Brasil is committed to strengthening the Brazilian theatrical context, establishing a rich exchange between national and international theater companies, providing a rich exchange of experiences among artists during their residency through workshops and lectures that they minister and participate in.
In 2012, in celebration of the 5 years of existence of the In-Scene Theater Group, the 1st edition of Festto was held and has since been followed by annual editions, currently consolidated as part of the cultural calendar in the region.
The Association of ”The Theatre of Black and White” in Imatra has been organizing The International Black and White Theatre Festival since year 2004. Right since that time Black and White Theatre Festival has become well-known event for many people of the world. At the festival we could see the performing of different theatres from 46 countries, so far more than 250 shows and performances. For 16 years, Black and White Theatre Festival has presented a huge variety of different styles: dance theatre, ballet, pantomime, circus, traditional drama, opera, puppet theatre and street performing. The purpose of the festival is – to represent the international theatre in all its manifestation and genres.
Hijinx Academy (learning disabled actor trainees) work with leading companies eg Spymonkey, Punchdruk etc to create a key component for the festival. They are joined by leading disability-led work from across the world. There is also a participatory programme.
Culture From the Edge is an international festival for theater groups in which people with disabilities are artistically active.
Based on the global interest and Chuncheon city’s support, Chuncheon’s representative theatrical company ‘Hyunsung’ was participated in the Swiss International Theater Festival in 1986, the India Theater Olympiad in 1989, the AACT International Theater Festival in 1990, and the All Japan Amateur Theater Festival in 1990. Since the Chuncheon International Theater Festival, it has been held every three years and has been held annually since 2002.
Since 2016, the Chuncheon International Theater Festival has changed its name to Chuncheon Theater Festival.
The annual Bard SummerScape festival features seven weeks of world-class opera, theater, dance, cabaret, film, and music.
Dance, theater, concerts, performances, cinema, meetings and parties are on the program of Festival de Marseille which will unfold in the city. The Festival brings together public and artists from elsewhere and from here and plays with the city in its plurality and diversity. Hybrid, festive, traveler and connected to the world, the Festival lives to the rhythm and image of Marseille.
A 24-day trip to which you are invited, alongside more than 50 artists. White cards, musical and performative courses in 10 atypical venues of the metropolis, new creations, theatre, dance, performances, surprises, 15 free concerts.
International Theatre Festival hosted by Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava
For 16 years, Black and White Theatre Festival has presented a huge variety of different styles: dance theatre, ballet, pantomime, circus, traditional drama, opera, puppet theatre and street performing. The purpose of the festival is – to represent the international theatre in all its manifestation and genres.
In 2002, the Festival was renamed the National Arts Festival, and is now an independent Section 21 company that has an unrivalled reputation as the leading African showcase of local and international creativity.Spread over 11 days and across 90-odd different venues in Makhanda, the Festival enjoys strong participation from artists from all of South Africa’s nine provinces as well as a number of international artists and audiences visiting South Africa.
Nová dráma/New Drama is different every year. To program it anew forces the organizers to listen carefully, to follow European trends and to harmonize them with Slovak particularities. The aim is to model a festival that will always surprise and, perhaps most of all, confirm the meaningfulness of presenting and promoting new Slovak drama.
The festival has steadily grown in size and reputation since 2014, when it cleared out the abandoned Market Street vaults to run a 9-day arts festival focused on showcasing local creative talent. In 2015 the festival moved to a hidden courtyard behind Kings’ Stables Road, and returned to the same site in 2016, attracting over 12,000 visitors to experience a wealth of art, poetry, theatre, cinema, dance and music.
Inspired by the format in which Tennessee Williams and Eugene O’Neill honed their craft, EST held its first Marathon in 1977. Praised by critics and beloved by audiences, it launched an industry-wide revival of the short play form and broke new ground by putting new and established writers together on one stage.
Following in the footsteps of Brighton, London and of course Edinburgh, Cardiff will enjoy an annual shot of affordable theatrical delight from both new and established theatre companies, held in a range of local venues.
The Taipei Arts Festival continues to be in this city, bringing together the creativity of outstanding artists from home and abroad, inviting citizens to participate together, presenting themselves with art, embracing differences with dialogue, presenting Taipei’s characteristics and vitality, connecting the world. The cultural landscape of the city.
Seoul Fringe Festival believes that arts connect people. Support us in our effort to connect artists and citizens, so that more artists can create and more people can enjoy art. When you support Fringe, you advocate freedom of expression.
The one and only international theatre festival in Colombo.
t is one of the biggest theater festival in China, and also the first international theater festival for children which is held outdoor. Every year, it invites more than 15 famous theater groups from all over the world to participate and celebrate this festival together. It encourages show without verbal language.
By engaging with artists, connecting with communities and forming collaborations, Scottish Mental health Arts Film Festival celebrates the artistic achievements of people with experience of mental health issues, exploring the relationship between creativity and the mind, and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
DaDaFest International is a critically acclaimed and award-winning biennial festival, which showcases high quality and exciting work in key arts venues across Liverpool city. It challenges stereotypes and celebrates disability and deaf cultures.
Out of the Box Biennial of Inclusive Arts takes place in cultural venues across Geneva around with an inclusive arts programme i.e. artistic productions characterized by the inclusion of artists with disabilities. Unique in French-speaking Switzerland, this event aims to rethink the relationship between art and disability.
Una Mirada Diferente is organised by the Centro Dramatico Nacional (National Drama Centre of Spain). It brings together international disabled artists and companies working across performance artforms including theatre, dance and music.
Kyma Festival is organized by Kyma Project, a platform for inclusive dance created by Angeliki MItropoulou. It includes dance and theater workshops accessible for everyone and performances by international and national mixed-ability companies. The first edition of the festival was supported by START-create cultural change and took place in May 2018 at theater of Athens School of Fine Arts.
The festival NO LIMITS is looking for strategies on how artists with disabilities can act politically on stage.
Work selected will be across art-form genres, ranging across theatre, dance, visual arts, digital art, live art and children’s work. The programme will also include a series of talks and debates delivered by UK artists and arts consultants. International delegates are encouraged to attend and to consider work for inclusion in their programmes, and to forge relationships with the UK disability arts constituency to broker relationships with the UK disability arts sector.
With meaningful engagement opportunities from artists talks, workshops, discussions and the festival bar—House Pour, the Festival House breaks down the walls between artists and audiences to create unique experiences and inspiring artistic encounters.
The Chekhov International Theatre Festival was established by the International Confederation of Theatre Associations. The First Festival was held in 1992. In the 25 years of its history the Festival has been undergoing considerable changes while still trying to become a joyful and longed for event for all those who love theatre.
‘Art theatre for everyone’, a motto by Giorgio Strehler, the famous Italian director, remains abiding and actual for the Chekhov Festival. Our main idea is continually widening the audience, making theatre be longed for by the people of different background, and before all – the thinking part of our society who has always been attracted by the theatre throughout the history. We try to organize the program of the festivals to be accessible for everyone and somewhat elitist too. And it is also important that theatre professionals could find within the Festival what is necessary for them, for they could feel like part of the world theatre process.
The focus of the festival program is to present the most inspiring theatrical productions that were produced in Slovakia in one year (from April to April). The selection of productions is provided by the Festival Dramaturgy Council in cooperation with external experts who monitor the work of individual theaters in Slovakia. The dramaturgic council reserves the right of the last word so that the festival program can capture the most significant trends or problems of contemporary Slovak theater.
In a nutshell, SPAC aims to present a joyous and inspiring the festival that remains deeply rooted in its home region of Shizuoka while also connecting to the wider world through theatre.
With the development of other dramatic performances such as environmental theater, consultative theater, practical and performative interwoven arts, Mariwan International Festival as a most specialized outdoor Theater Festival is to be receptive not only for street theater but also for all other dramatic performances.
In any country, no matter where you are, come to Konya. Let us share the enthusiasm of our festival together this year. Even if we live with different religions, cultures, and speak the same language with different dialects and dialects gelin let our voice, our breath and our voice be in this open-air museum in a friendly, brotherly, tolerant and peaceful way.
In order to contribute to the 23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day Atatürk, which Atatürk gave as a gift to children, with the art of theater, to open the Turkish theater abroad through the children of the world, to promote it and to follow intercultural development and change by following the developments in this field, Since 2005, the General Directorate of State Theaters has been organizing the International Children’s Theaters Festival in Ankara every year.
An annual festival organised by Sala Tarambana, Madrid which aims to increase the visibility of disabled artists. Festival Visibles programmes inclusive theatre companies, predominantly from Spain. It also includes musical performances, film screenings and discussions.
I wanna be with you everywhere is a gathering of, by, and for disabled artists and writers and anyone who wants to get with us for a series of crip meet-ups, performances, readings and other social spaces of surplus, abundance and joy. It refuses policies of individuation and inclusion in favor of (and in the flavor of) whatever disability aesthetics has in bodymind. We won’t know what this is ‘til it shows us, but we do know that disability communities don’t only make art about disability.
Deszka is a festival of contemporary Hungarian drama and theatre held in Debrecen (Hungary).
In line with its slogan of “Fujinokuni (The Mt. Fuji region) and the world are connected through the performing arts,” SPAC will introduce a wide range of cutting-edge theatre programs from Japan and abroad at venues in Shizuoka City and the surrounding, wonderfully scenic area. In a nutshell, SPAC aims to present a joyous and inspiring festival that remains deeply rooted in its home region of Shizuoka while also connecting to the wider world through theatre.
Located in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, we are North America’s largest classical repertory theatre company. Each season, we present a dozen or more productions in four distinctive venues. We produce classics, contemporary dramas and musicals, with special emphasis on the plays of Shakespeare.
Since 2014, the MITsp – International Theater Show of São Paulo has brought together a significant cut in the contemporary world scene, productions that lead to experimentation in language, but are also critical of their own time.
Golden Mask is also an all-Russian Performing Arts Festival that takes place in Moscow in the spring of each year, presenting the most significant performances from all over Russia.
The Festival of Performing Arts of Lima – FAE Lima is an artistic exchange platform that hosts national and international theater shows.
State Theaters continue to be a source of pride in our country, which has always been supreme with its long, long-standing, principled and successful past. With great pride every year, the T State Theaters Sabancı International Adana Theater Festival presents a new edition of arts lovers.
One of the oldest professional theatre festivals in the country where the most interesting and important plays of the previous season made in Poland and Europe are presented. The main objective of the event is to confront the most remarkable Polish and European plays; however, the program is interdisciplinary and, apart from plays, it offers numerous side activities, such as discussion panels with the participation of Polish and international guests, exhibitions, and concerts. The jury of the festival is the audience who selects the Best Actress, Best Actor, and Best Play.
Lagos Theatre Festival (LTF) is the largest performing arts festival in Nigeria and West Africa.
It was created to promote the presentation of theatre in unconventional spaces. Through the festival, theatre makers and producers are supported to expand their practice beyond traditional theatre spaces by creating work that responds to any given space.
Ergo Pink Fest is a festival showcasing the works of female and non-binary identifying playwrights. The festival gives playwrights tailored dramaturgy and mentorship to help them take their work to the next level.
Theatre Olympics is an international theatre festival that runs every few years in different locations and presents the greatest theatre achievements around the globe. Theatre Olympics 2019 is a large scale international festival, a venue for development of global theatre integration and dialogue between theatre professionals from around the world. The festival program includes performances by best foreign theatres and national theatres from various Russian regions, as well as lectures and workshops by leading theatre figures. With Saint Petersburg as its main host city, the Theatre Olympics runs from March to December 2019.
Founded in 2004 and organised by Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation, the annual multidisciplinary Festival is the largest cultural celebration in the entire region and reaches across the world through co-commissions and the international presentation of innovative Arab creativity. In essence, Abu Dhabi Festival strives to deepen global cross-cultural dialogue whilst inspiring a deeper interest in the cultures of the Arab world.
The Festival of Original Theatre is the annual conference held by the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Toronto. The theme of FOOT changes every year, according to the research interests of the new artistic director of the conference, but it’s main goal is to provide graduate students and the performing arts community an academic outlet to showcase, critique, review, perform, discuss, and analyze the changing world of drama, theatre and performance.
In 2010, the NCPA launched its first ever multi-lingual theatre festival of premièring plays – NCPA Centrestage. It created a platform for fresh works and encouraged the birth of new groups. The plays went on to perform and win awards at various prestigious national and international festivals.
TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama) is a space where professionals from various places in the world who explore the possibility of contemporary performing arts exchange through performance and meeting programs to gain information, inspiration and network for the creation, dissemination and vitalization of performing arts. Established in 1995 as Tokyo Performing Arts Market and moved in 2011 to the “Creative City” Yokohama. Reinforcing its focus on Asia and having started to involve itself in Asian co-production, TPAM is internationally recognized as one of the most influential performing arts platforms in Asia.
The FEVERESTIVAL had its first edition in February of 2003 and arose attending to the demand of cultural programming of the District of Barão Geraldo. Initially, it was a show of local shows and some artists who visited the city during this period (seeking artistic and experimental improvement with important local groups such as Lume Theater, Barracão Theater and Good Company, which carry out training activities during the month of February until the present day).
Throughout its trajectory, the festival grew, gained new structures, reached a diverse public, that broke borders and rediscovered the city of Campinas through Art.
We want to further strengthen the professional and personal links created by the FTB. In partnership with Janeiros de Grandes Espetácul we present twelve DF shows, an artistic residence, two drama workshops; training actions and audience qualification; meetings between the artists of the two states and between the Federal universities of Pernambuco and Brasília; parties with DJs and more.
This is a drama festival in kingdom of Bahrain.
The Festival takes special care in presenting each year a rich and homogeneous programme focused around a special theme, celebrating the culture of a country or a city, or exploring a special subject. The Festival likes to be daring in its choice of artists, works and performances.
The Jos Repertory Theatre presents the annual Jos Festival of Theatre which has become a nurturing ground for new playwrights, new directors as well as creating an insight into the Nigerian theatre repertory. Featuring plays from the international repertory, new plays as well as landmark Nigerian plays, the festival is currently the only existing private independent theatre festival in Nigeria. We accept new plays all year round for possible performances during the annual festival.
Rangayana is a Theatre Repertory Company started in Mysuru by the Government of Karnataka, in the year 1989. Bahuroopi National Theatre Festival has a different theme each year.
American Realness, participating artists, collaborating institutions and partners acknowledge that we are gathered on the unceded land of the Lenape peoples. We ask you to join in acknowledging the Lenapehoking community, their elders both past and present, as well as future generations.
The Banco do Brasil Cultural Center hosts the Summer Contemporary Art Festival – VAC, a multidisciplinary festival with theater, dance, visual arts, cinema, literature and music attractions.
Janiero De Grandes Espetáculos is the most important festival of scenic arts in Pernambuco, one of the largest in Brazil.
The M1 Singapore Fringe Festival is an annual festival of theatre, dance, music, visual arts and mixed media created and presented by Singaporeans and international artists. Themed differently each year, the Fringe aims to bring the best of contemporary, cutting-edge and socially engaged works to the Singapore audience.
The M1 Singapore Fringe Festival is set to be a creative centre, with the twin purpose of innovation and discussion, a platform for meaningful and provocative art to engage our increasingly connected and complex world.
ITFoK will mobilise ‘forms’ to stage this transitive contemporary. It will seek to reflect upon the state of democracy, call attention to alternative voices, and propose different futures or ways to remember. In this spirit, all kinds of performative works are welcome – proscenium plays, performance-readings, live art, promenade theatre, follow-art, site-specific theatre, game-narratives, endurance-art, documentary-theatre, intimate-plays, lecture performances, flash-drama, theatre-on-the-internet, or any other work that experiments with participation, interaction, and the political urgency of live art forms. The intention is to employ the theatric to form a community of interest, to imagine new geographies of space, of body, and of the mind. ITFOK will imagine our theatre as a deep, horizontal comradeship.
CAN Festival is the first arts festival in the UK dedicated to showcasing to the public performing arts that explore contemporary Chinese themes, perspectives and art forms. The festival showcased a diverse range of art forms (music, drama, live art, dance, films, digital arts) with over 60 events across London.
Tifli, meaning bachpan or childhood, is an international theatre festival for children organized by Assitej India. TYA stands for Theatre for Young Audiences.
International Divine Comedy Theatre Festival gives a chance to see, in a matter of just one week, some of the most intriguing plays of the season from theatres throughout the country.
Divine Comedy is a theatre holiday where the best Polish shows are presented in the true Polish showcase. Apart from Polish shows, competing for the best show of the year title and the Divine Comedian prize, there are also foreign theatre groups, and meetings with philosophers, theatre theoreticians, and critics that accompany the festival.
The ReOrient Festival of Short Plays was inaugurated in 1999 to present alternative perspectives of the Middle East and to showcase the multiplicity of stories, voices and styles from the region, and has since becomes Golden Thread’s most recognized and celebrated program. This ambitious festival, now presented biennially, turns San Francisco into a mecca for innovative, spirited, and thought-provoking theatre from and about the Middle East.
Our annual celebration of theatre. First held in 1983, the Prithvi Theatre Festival has become an annual event in the Mumbai calendar. There is no one theme – the Festival simply seeks to explore and celebrate theatre in its diversity – local, national, international; old traditions, new forms, cross-currents – and to share theatre with our audiences.
This enterprise set the purpose of exposing Israeli drama and encouraging its staging in theatres throughout the world. Ever since the Institute’s establishment, Israeli plays are staged in major theatres around the world.
The goal is to remember that a good theater is important in Estonia. To this end, we invite small changes to the Estonian Theater Festivals and their intervals. For example, we bring the theater to those who will otherwise stay away from it due to lack of time, a distant habitat, or other prophet. Or, we raise the theatrical role to the front of theatrical issues and thoughts in the thoughts of theatrical artists and theatrical artists.
Bangkok Theatre Festival is a grand contemporary theatre event of Thailand with the greatest number of artists, works, and audience. Objectives are: to create awareness and interest in theatre among the public and gain public support, to provide support and space for new practitioners to showcase their work and for old practitioners to produce and perform new works on a regular basis, and to develop and strengthen the network of theatre practitioners for future sustainability.
The festival is an effort of curating a theatre festival with a purpose of bringing innovative performances to the city and its diverse communities.
With the consent of the Prime Minister, the Vietnam Theater Artists Association will organize an International Festival of Experimental Theater held every 3 years.
FENTEPP – Presidente Prudente National Theater Festival is a nationwide, performing arts event that involves artists, selected groups and guests.
The Popular Festival of Theater of Fortaleza is proposed to popularize the art of staging taking presentations to public squares, road terminals and public schools.
The Festival also intends to opportunize through the theater; lectures, workshops and debates between groups and spectators, and with this to enable the theater groups of the periphery to strengthen their artistic production through this exchange.
Three days of exceptional theatre: Come join us!
Born in 1996, the FATEJ has always had an atmosphere of theater and experience in the field of theater for children and young people. It is also an arena for African troupes to come into contact with the rest of the world through our ‘Guest of Honor’ which is all about inviting non-African countries. The South East, North South and North North.
The launch of the historic first edition came after a period of close to 13 years of investment by Sundance Institute in risk-taking artists from six East African countries (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) with the aim to contribute to a meaningful and engaging dialogue between artists and their audiences. The first edition of the festival featured productions and readings by many of the East African artists and projects that received support from Sundance Institute over the years. We welcome full productions, works in progress (staged readings or workshop productions), musicals and theatre for young audiences.
Fresh Meat is a playground for Ottawa’s theatre makers; giving local individuals and collectives of all levels of experience a unique opportunity to test new ideas in front of an audience. We present world premieres exclusively, and seek out projects that are original and innovative, and that test the traditional boundaries of live performance. Past Fresh Meat participants have used the festival as a launch pad for theatrical works intersecting with a variety of genres, including dance, poetry, burlesque, clown, pantomime, performance art, standup, sketch comedy, storytelling, and many more.
BAM’s Next Wave Festival has permanently changed the artistic landscape, featuring breakout performances and landmark productions. Using a name that plays on the New Wave in French cinema, BAM President and Executive Producer Harvey Lichtenstein launched a series entitled “The Next Wave/New Masters” in November 1981 with four productions: three dance works, plus Philip Glass’ new opera Satyagraha. A more ambitious program followed in 1982, including a two-evening performance work by Laurie Anderson entitled United States: Parts I-IV.
Beauty and melancholy will rise to the tables in our Fall to Spring Festival. A meeting that, faithful to its multidisciplinary vocation, will offer proposals for all types of theater, dance and performance audiences, which can be seen in five spaces of the capital: the Abbey Theater, The House On, the Fourth Wall Room, The Pavón Teatro Kamikaze and the Teatros del Canal.
Since 1972, the Festival International Cervantino (FIC) has convened in Guanajuato, Mexico, the best of music, theater, literature, performing arts and visual arts.
The China Shanghai International Arts Festival is a major international cultural event hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China and hosted by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. It is the only national-level comprehensive international art festival in China. Since 1999, the China Shanghai International Arts Festival has been guided by the concept of “innovative development” and has adhered to the road of brand development. It has become an important window for China’s foreign cultural exchanges and one of the most influential art festivals in the international art scene.
Emphasizing on music, the character of the Festival expanded to include the fields of theatre, dance, film and visual arts. It became a platform of fruitful and constructive dialogue, a melting pot of ideas and a venue of leading cultural events.
The International Festival for children and youth Guaguas de Maiz or FITIJ Guaguas Maíz, is a permanent annual space that promotes the performing arts created and conceived by national and international professional companies, who dedicate their creative work for children and youth. In this space, a program is developed and built with around 50 events, including theatrical presentations, academic meetings, workshops, alternative events and training that involve different sectors (children, youth, family, performing arts professionals, professionals from other disciplines and educators) around the stage directed to children and youth.
FETO aims to be a space of appreciation, visibility and promotion of theater produced in schools, universities and free and technical courses. Being a student festival par excellence, it also houses in its program training activities, cultural exchanges and meetings with professionals of the scenic arts. Added to this, a work of formation of audience directed, mainly, to children and young people.
Founded in 2009, Tempo Festival is the International Festival of Performing Arts of Rio de Janeiro. In each edition, curators Bia Junqueira, Cesar Augusto and Marcia Dias invest in “time of creation” in national and international processes, homes and co-productions, following the artistic development in all its stages: from thought to realization. It is always to focus on innovation of local and global scene, through a dialogue between the most different artistic manifestations, especially, of course, to the theater, performance and dance.
The International Festival of Londrina, the oldest theater festival in Latin America, opens its curtains and inaugurates the urgently needed show: the spectacle of diversity, of tolerance , of humanism.
Brimming with challenge and the poetics of the senses, the oldest and the most prominent theatre festival in Slovenia has always been the scene of exciting arguments, new insights and unexpected reversals. The festival consists of several thematic programs, including Slovenian theatre performances in competition program and international program. Prizes are given for best artistic achievements, the most prestigious prize is the Borštnik Ring, awarded by a special jury to a deserving Slovenian actor for his/her life’s work. The festival has recently evolved into an international event: international symposia, and foreign guests, producers and performances are obvious signs that it is confronting European and global theater scene. Since 1996, the year of its debut, its home institution has been the Slovenian National Theatre in Maribor. Its kaleidoscopic history has seen much turmoil and change. Starting as the Week of Slovenian Drama then transforming into a gathering of Slovenian theatres, it eventually established itself as the national theatre competition. It owes its name – notwithstanding the polemics surrounding it – to Ignacij Borštnik (1858-1919), an actor, a stage director and the founder of modern Slovenian theatre.
Cádiz, the oldest city in Western Europe, located in the south of Spain, is a seafaring city straddling the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Since its foundation by the Phoenicians, many civilizations inhabited Cádiz. True to its Americanist tradition, for more than thirty years, Cádiz has been celebrating and organizing the Ibero-American Festival of Cádiz. The FIT of Cádiz started in 1986 as a platform for the dissemination and consolidation of the Ibero-American Performing Arts. The Ibero-American Festival of Theater of Cádiz is a multidisciplinary festival whose main objective is to show the current moment of theater, dance and other scenic expressions of the Ibero-American framework. The FIT of Cádiz is also a cultural meeting: it also provides a space for the interaction of Ibero-American performing arts professionals through the organization of Research Encounters, Thematic Meetings, Project Presentations, Publications and Editions of Performing Arts, Workshops, Forums, among other activities. Throughout these years, the most prestigious groups, authors, directors of scene and personalities of the Ibero-American theatrical medium have gone through it. The Ibero-American Festival of Theater of Cádiz is the ideal forum for the reflection and analysis of the expressive and theoretical tools of the Ibero-American theatrical profession.
The Seoul Performing Arts Festival (SPAF) is Korea’s largest international performing arts festival with the largest scale and history in Korea. It is co-hosted by the Korea Arts Management Support Center and the Korean Culture and Arts Committee sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism .
Melbourne International Arts Festival is one of Australia’s leading international arts festivals and has an outstanding reputation for presenting unique international and Australian events in the fields of dance, theatre, music, visual arts, multimedia, free and outdoor events over 17 days each October.
White Light Festival is our annual exploration of the power of art to illuminate our interior and communal lives. We emphasize the communal, from the ephemeral gatherings formed in the presence of live performance to the widening circles of community in our global, connected world.
Bâtard Festival brings together a bewildering mix of theatre, dance, performance, film, plus a discursive program and a publication. It is a platform for non-established artists, thinkers, and writers.
SOLO, the international festival of monodrama performances, is an unequalled event. Since its creation in 2008, the Festival has seen solo performances by Robert Wilson, Romeo Castellucci, Wajdi Mouawad, Theodoros Terzopoulos. Jan Fabre, Daniele Finzi Pasca, Denis Lavant, Pippo Delbono, Angélica Liddell, Redjep Mitrovitsa, Paolo Musio, Fabrizio Gifuni, Danio Manfredini and others. These performances by world theatre stars guaranteed the Festival its unique place among the most important theatre events in Russia and abroad.
Festival Aims
•To present a Show Case of the Czech theatre
•To introduce the most outstanding and remarkable foreign productions together with a digest of the Czech ones, within a broad thematic and style scale of the scenes (drama, music, dance, puppet or street theatre).
•To collate Czech professional drama art with top productions from abroad, namely from European countries, to draw Czech both theatrical and spectator audience nearer to modern trends of European and world theatre, and thus to contribute to our integration into European structures.
•To create a space for meeting people of theatre among themselves.
The festival features a lively programme of acts by a strong line-up of groups, artists and arts
companies from the province, neighbouring provinces, neighbouring countries and overseas to
showcase dance, music, theatre, storytelling, craft, exhibitions, literature, film and praise
A festival organized by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, which is non-competitive and aims to create a state of communication and dialogue between different peoples and groups from the theater and to perform, in addition to introducing the public in Egypt and the Arab region to the latest trends in the theater scene, and to provide a window from which the playwrights around the world on the latest developments in the theater scene in Egypt and the Arab countries.
Drama Festival is here to promote young film talents in their early days, as well as to encourage short film production as an independent category that involves creators of all ages, and it will always be here to promote and support it.
Renamed from MonoFest to MedreseFest – only with monodrama pieces.
The Festival has always been produced from the collective to the collective, seeking to value the professionals of the performing arts, joining pleasure, reflection and provocation, and bringing the public closer to the artists. The strong vocation of the city for group theater and artistic experimentation was reflected in the constitution of the FIT in a multiplicity of scenic poetics that recognize the richness of difference and help in the realization of an urgent desire to relate to the other.
The CHANGE was born with the intention of spreading through theaters, squares, streets, creating a greater approximation of the public with its urban spaces, and thus, a greater dialogue between the Theater and the City.
A biannual Festival of theatre, dance, music and performance. During three days, the audience has a choice of five different routes, each one starting at the municipal theatre and then branching out into a range of unusual and exciting spaces in the city of Osnabrück. Each instalment of the Festival has a Motto. This year, the young theatre-makers that form the backbone of the Festival will explore the future of mankind: artificial intelligence, cloning, the future of work etc.
BOUNCE is the annual arts festival produced by the University of Atypical. Since 2012 Bounce has presented new work by deaf and disabled writers, actors, dancers, musicians, directors and poets, as well as hosting participatory workshops and masterclasses across a range of art forms.
“Grenzenlos Kultur” is not only Germany’s oldest theatre festival with disabled and non-disabled artists. But also a very lively platform well known beyond the borders of Mainz, which shows unusual, often experimental, mostly socio-politically motivated forms of art and theatre.
Annual festival, theater, dance, music, and author meetings.
The Festival unites all tendencies of the artistic and theatrical progress. It is shaping a positive image of the city and of the whole country on the international theatrical arena. It also stimulates the development of the theatre in the region. The Festival helps the city to attract tourists to the city and to expose the best pieces of world culture to the audience of our country.
An international event bringing together theatre companies and dance groups from Turkey and abroad with the audience, The Istanbul Theatre Festival was first held in 1989. Once every year, the festival hosts carefully selected companies and artists that open up new horizons for both the audience and the art world by bringing national and international, classical and contemporary renditions to the stage through its unique lens.
The International Festival Divadelna Nitra is the largest theatre festival in Slovakia. It is also one of the most important international activities in the cultural area in Slovakia. Divadelna Nitra is a recognised activity in the European context. It is organised every year towards the end of September since 1992. It is a selective, but non-competitive parade of the top European production focused on mainly the drama/play, susceptible to dance, music, puppet theatre and also the visual theatre. It selects the non-traditional, innovative and inspirational scenic theatre, it informs about the new tendencies and about the new names of the artists. It consists of the rich accompanying and working programme, it offers space to other types of art and to the representation of regional cultural activities.
Theater for the New City presents a lineup of wide-ranging and original theatrical visions embracing drama, poetry, music, and dance. Dream Up Festival consists of performing artists representing theater and performance companies in downtown New York. .
Theaterfestival Basel presents an international, biennial festival program featuring a range of genres and forms: from city projects to renowned dance and theatre productions, performances, nouveau cirque and installations.
Cena Contemporánea is the most important stage of Brasilia, with 30 companies per year and an audience of 60,000 people. The festival is celebrated for 13 days with a programme of theater, dance, music, visual arts, workshops, video screenings and discussions, covering a dozen areas of great variety.
Act Alone is dedicated to soloists and solo art in every field.
Meet people from around the world in Toga
Think in Toga with people in the world
See the future from the people of the world and Toga
An international opera and ballet festival in Aspendos.
We come to the Contemporary Scene, the largest international festival of performing arts in the Midwest and the fifth largest in the country. Always attentive to the commitments to protect individual rights and freedoms, the Festival presents reflective tone, even in arid times for the maintenance of rights that should be innate to society.
BoxFest Detroit is an annual theatre festival that showcases local women identifying directors. It has served and continues to function as a springboard for many women and their directing careers. Directors who have participated in past festivals have gone on to pursue graduate studies at highly competitive universities, become directors at professional theatres, and form their own successful theatre and production companies. BoxFest Detroit’s importance within Michigan’s theatre community was validated when Between The Lines honored the festival with the Critic’s Choice Award at the 2008 Wilde Awards. Every year the winner of the audience vote competition is given the opportunity to direct a show with Planet Ant Theatre’s One Act Series. In 2017 BoxFest Detroit launched a mentorship program, a portion of the festival proceeds go to support at least one director’s participation in this program.
The International Theater Festival of Manizales is a cultural festival that takes place annually in the city of the open doors, located in the region of the Coffee Region of Colombia.
Kyoto Experiment: Kyoto International Performing Arts Festival is a theater and dance event held every autumn since 2010 at theaters in Kyoto. It features a wide-ranging lineup of radical artists from Japan and around the world, presenting theater and dance as well as visual art, music, design, and architecture.
Helsinki Festival is the largest arts festival in Finland, organised annually in late summer. The festival’s aim is to make art accessible for all. The programme line-up features classical and world music, theatre, dance, circus and visual arts as well as a range of urban events.
The Vrystaat Arts Festival • Tsa-Botjhaba is an Afrikaans language festival that forges creative connections with English and Sotho cultures. We contribute to the exchange of ideas around arts, culture and society through connections with other national and international creative communities.
Each year the festival grows, acquiring its own multicultural character, hosting theatre groups coming from different cultural backgrounds and it is now widely acknowledged as one of the most important cultural institutions of our island.
Sophisticated music theater, the best entertainment for a large audience and lasting moments in the open air belong together at the Bregenz Festival. The largest floating stage in the world is the main attraction of the summer festival, which attracts more than 200,000 visitors each year in July and August.
George Town Festival delivers an entirely new way of experiencing arts to everyone. The festival embodies the idea of making arts accessible to all, regardless of age or background.
Kalamata International Dance Festival features leading Greek and international artists will be showing their work to art lovers from all over the world.
Through excellent international drama performances and communications, children’s drama seminars and various drama activities, China Children’s Theatre Festival has become an important window to display domestic and foreign drama achievements; provided a great platform to promote the developments and communications, as well as a new bridge to gather strength and supports.
The International Festival of University Theater in Blumenau is one of the most important events of teaching, research and extension of the calendar of the Brazilian and South American university theater, either for its bold nature or for its permanence and regularity.
Started in 2007 by disability parent organization Barlicka the festival aims at artists with disability in Eastern Slovakia, often coming from state institutions. Very often this is their only chance to perform.
8th, 9th and 10th July 1999: the first edition of Crater Surfaces, the first festival devoted to street arts in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. Denis Lafaurie, the director of Crater, the national scene in Alès, where to go to take your place. Moreover, he wanted to prove that the role of the actor on the streets is just as significant as their role in the theater room. During the first few years, an annual theme was chosen: ‘mechanical structures,’ ‘family meeting,’ ‘movement,’ ‘a strange atmosphere,’ ‘and’ back to the place. ‘ Since 2010, the festival has become international and has made its name as “Alès international outdoor festival”.
The Cradle of Creativity comprised a Festival, a Conference and a World Congress, all dedicated to theatre for young audiences.
World-class theatre — in blissful Niagara wine country. 13 plays on 3 stages, April to December, plus countless events & activities. Ready?
March , Зиновьева 14 37
October , Baltic House Theatre-festival, Saint Petersburg, Russia
July , Pohjoisranta 11, Pori, Finland
December , Bungalow 57, 1st floor, Aram Nagar Part 1, Seven Bungalows, Versova, Andheri West
November , Kielce, Poland, Europe
June , Italy, Europe
June , Ottawa, Canada, North America
June , Florianopolis, Brazil, South America
June , Toruń, Poland
June , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America
June , Teófilo Rocha, Brazil, South America
June , Imatra, Finland
June , Wales, United Kingdom
June , Reutlingen, Germany
June , Nami Island, South Korea
June , New York, United States
June , Marseille, France
June , Lille, France
June , Bratislava, Europe
June , Imatra, Finland
June , Grahamstown, South Africa
May , Bratislava, Slovakia, Europe
May , Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Europe
May , New York, United States. North America
May , Cardiff, United Kingdom, London
May , Taipei, Taiwan, Asia
May , Seoul, Korea, Asia
May , Colombo, India, Asia
May , Xi'an, China, Asia
May , Scotland
May , Liverpool, England
May , Geneva, Switzerland
May , Madrid, Spain
May , Mainz, Germany
May , Berlin, Germany
May , Southbank Centre, London, England
May , Singapore, Malaysia
May , Moscow, Russia
April , Slovakia, Europe
April , Shizuoka, Japan, Asia
April , Mariwan, Iran, Asia
April , Konya, Turkey, Eurasia
April , Ankara, Turkey, Eurasia
April , Madrid, Spain
April , New York, United States
April , Debrecen, Hungary
April , Shizuoka, Japan
April , Stratford, Ontario, Canada
March , São Paulo, Brazil, South America
March , Moscow, Russia, Europe
March , Lima, Peru, South America
March , Ankara, Turkey, Eurasia
March , Łódź, Poland
March , Lagos, Nigeria
March , Toronto, Canada
March , Alexandrinsky Theatre, Ostrovsky Square 6, Saint Petersburg, Russia
March , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
February , Toronto, Canada, North America
February , Mumbai, India, Asia
February , Yokohama, Japan, Asia
February , Campinas, Brazil, South America
February , Lago Sul Brasilia, Brazil, South America
February , Manama, Bahrain, Asia
February , Beirut, Lebanon
February , Jos, Nigeria
January , Mysuru, India, Asia
January , New York, United States, North America
January , Belo Horizonte, Brazil, South America
January , Pernambuco, Brazil, South America
January , Singapore, Asia
January , Kerala, India
January , London, United Kingdom
December , New Dehli, India, Asia
December , Kraków, Poland
November , San Francisco, California, United States, North America
November , Mumbai, India, Asia
November , Israel, Asia
November , Estonia, Europe
November , Bangkok, Thailand, Asia
November , Pune, India, Asia
November , Hanoi, Vietnam, Asia
November , Oeste Paulista, Brazil, South America
November , Fortaleza, Brazil, South America
November , Guwhati, Assam, India
November , Yaoundé, Cameroon
November , Kampala, Uganda
October , Ottawa, Canada, North America
October , New York, United States, North America
October , Madrid, Spain, Europe
October , Guanajuato, Mexico, North America
October , Shanghai, China, Asia
October , Patras, Greece, Europe
October , South America
October , Belo Horizonte, Brazil, South America
October , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America
October , Londrina, Brazil, South America
October , Maribor, Slovenia
October , Cádiz, Spain
October , Seoul, South Korea
October , Melbourne, Australia
October , New York, United States
October , Brussels, Belgium
October , Moscow, Russia
September , Pilsen, Czechia
September , Wushwini, South Africa, Africa
September , Cairo, Egypt, Africa
September , Athens, Greece, Europe
September , Izmir, Turkey, Eurasia
September , Belo Horizonte, Brazil, South America
September , Brazil, South America
September , Osnabrück, Germany
September , Belfast, United Kingdom
September , Mainz, Germany
September , Limousin, France
September , Lviv, Ukraine
September , Istanbul, Turkey
September , Nitra, Slovakia
August , New York, United States
August , Basel, Switzerland, Europe
August , Brasilia, Brazil, South America
August , Iceland, Europe
August , Togamura, Japan, Asia
August , Aspendos, Turkey, Eurasia
August , Brasília, Brazil, South America
August , Detroit, USA
August , Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
August , Kyoto, Japan
August , Helsinki, Finland
July , Vrystaat, South Africa, Africa
July , Cyprus, Europe
July , Bregenz, Austria, Europe
July , Penang, Malaysia, Asia
July , Kalamata, Greece, Europe
July , China, Asia
July , Blumenau, Brazil, South America
July , Prešov, Slovakia
July , Alès, France
May , Cape Town, South Africa, Africa
April , Niagra-on-the-lake, Ontario, Canada